Brian Ferguson:
Well, obviously the protection of life and property is the thing that we look at first. Unfortunately, we've experienced 21 fatalities so far. There still is a five-year-old boy who's missing that, you know, very concerned about. And, you know, the work that we do on these is really about how do we protect people, how do we keep lives, how do we keep people safe? We've also had more than 1400 rescues that have occurred either through planes, getting people off roofs, swift water rescue vehicles. And so, really the goal of the folks at Cal OES, the State of California, is to put resources into communities early before the water comes and use the best science and technology that we have to try to put firefighters, first responders, ambulances to get people out safely.
And certainly, this is an incident that could have been much worse if not for those early efforts. And, you know, we always want to learn, involve and to get better at each disaster that we face. And unfortunately, we've had a lot of practice in California and many of the things we've learned during wildfires or other disasters came to bear during this fight we've had the last couple of weeks.